29 august, 2006

Made a spin...

to our local airfield this afternoon, and got some relaxing task A practise. Tried out different CG-settings on my Crossfire, as I have not been to happy with cirkeling in calm air. But out with 10 gram from the nose, and I got my self a brand new plane... (Have not measured where the CG actually is now, but my guess is around 98-99 mm.) Will put in 5-10 grams in gusty conditions, and also probably in task B and C.
Nice day with good friends at the field!
My team is also ready for the nationals... I will fly Erik Morgan (as I always do), Jørgen Busk and Øyvind Ellevog. Erik is a verry experienced F3B pilot, and has also got the campionship a couple of years back. Jørgen and Øivind is relatively new to F3B, but we did fly together at last years nationals with good results. I am really looking forward to this event!

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